Sunday August 6th, 2023
Tesla 4330 S Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97239
Come join us as Rafael de Mestre stops in Portland on his latest EV drive around the world in his Tesla Roadster.
You think you have experienced range anxiety? Try traveling around the world in an EV! It took 127 days for Rafael to drive it in a Tesla Roadster in 2012. In 2016 he did it again in a Tesla Model S. Some of his accomplishments include:
Come here Raphael share his travel insights and discuss opportunities for EV owners in the coming year. He and his team are experts in roadtrip planning and finding places to charge. We're sure to hear some interesting stories and learn some great travel tips.
If you can't attend in person, our friend and host of My Tesla Weekend, Brain White will be on hand and hosting a live-stream of Rafaels presentation on his You Tube Channel. Watch for that at
Visit for more of the project's history and future plans and read the recent Electric .co about this trip: ELECTRIC.CO ARTICLE
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Phil Gorski